How to Build a Scalable Data Analytics Pipeline

How to Build a Scalable Data Analytics Pipeline

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to harness and analyze data efficiently is paramount. That’s where a scalable data analytics pipeline comes into play. This essential framework empowers organizations to process and analyze data systematically and efficiently. Join us on a journey as we delve into the core concepts, techniques, and best practices behind building and implementing a scalable data analytics pipeline. Unlock the potential of your data, streamline your workflows, and make data-driven decisions with confidence. Welcome to the world of scalable data analytics – a game-changer for data enthusiasts and businesses alike.

There is no denying that data is the most valuable asset for a corporation. But making sense of data, developing insights, and translating them into actions is even more critical.

The average business analyzes only 37-40% of its data. Big data applications can rapidly analyze massive amounts of data, producing representations of current business insights, offering actionable steps in the data pipeline to improve operations, and forecasting future consequences.

What Is A Data Analysis Pipeline?

The data analysis pipeline is a way of collecting raw data from numerous data sources and then transferring it to a data store for evaluation, such as a lake of data or data warehouse.

Before data flows into a data repository, it is often processed. It is especially significant when the dataset’s final destination is a relational database. For building scalable data pipelines, the steps are as follows,

1. Data collection

The first and most important part of the data analysis pipeline is data collection, where you must determine your data source.

  • Are they from a different data source or top-level applications?
  • Is the data going to be structured or unstructured?
  • Do you need to clear up your data?

We may think of big data as a chaotic mass of data, but usually, big data is structured. More strategies will be required to establish a data pipeline on unstructured data.

The architecture of your pipeline may vary depending on whether you acquire data in batch or through a streaming service.

A batch-processing pipeline necessitates a reliable I/O storage system, whereas a streaming-processing pipeline needs a fault-tolerant transmission protocol.

If it comes to structured data, whether it’s text, numbers, or images, they need to go via a process called data serialization before they can be fed into the pipeline.

It is a method of transforming structured data into a form that enables the exchange or storage of the data in a way that allows for the recovery of its original structure.

2. Data storage and management

Assume the data-collecting modules are functioning; where will you store all the data? Many factors influence this, including hardware resources, data management competence, maintenance budget, etc. As this is a long-term investment, you must decide before determining where to invest your money.

The Hadoop File System has long been the top choice within the company’s data infrastructure. It provides a tightly connected ecosystem that includes all tools and platforms for data storage and management.

A viable Hadoop stack can be put up with minimal effort. Its strength rests in its ability to scale horizontally, which means grouping commodity gear side by side to improve performance while minimizing costs.

You may even go above and beyond by optimizing the storage format. Storing files in.txt or.csv format may not be the best option in HDFS. Apache Parquet is a columnar format available to each Hadoop project and should be utilized by every data engineer.

3. Analytics engines

The Hadoop ecosystem and its equivalents are suitable for large data storage systems but not for use as an analytics engine. They are not designed to run quick queries. We run ad hoc queries constantly for analytics purposes.

Thus we need a solution that returns data quickly. Subordinate storage must be constructed on top of an analytics engine.

Vertica is a database management system built for large-scale analytics and rapid query performance. It keeps information in a columnar format and uses projections to spread data across nodes for fast queries.

Because of its track record for offering a robust analytics engine and an efficient querying system, Vertica is frequently employed by many tech organizations.

Vertica can serve as a database for various data-related external applications due to its easy connection with Java, Scala, Python, and C++.

However, there are significant drawbacks to dealing with real-time data or high-latency analytics in Vertica. Its limitations on altering schemas or adjusting projections limit its application to data that requires rapid change.

Druid is a free software analytics database created primarily for Online Analytics Processing (OLAP). Time-series data needs an optimal storage system as well as quick aggregators.

4. Monitoring and Quality

After you have completed data collection, storage, and visualization integration, you may wish to plug and play. But we also need to consider,

  • What to do in the event of an incident?
  • Where do you turn when your pipeline fails for no apparent reason?

That is the goal of the entire monitoring procedure. It allows you to track, log, and monitor the health and performance of your system. Some technologies even enable live debugging.

That being said, a proper monitoring system is required to establish a long-lasting data pipeline. There are two types of monitoring in this context: IT monitoring and data monitoring.

Data monitoring is just as important as the other components of your big data analytics pipeline. It identifies data issues such as latency, missing data, and inconsistent datasets.

The integrity of data traveling within your system is reflected in the quality of your data analysis pipeline. These measurements ensure that data is transferred from one location to another with minimal or no data loss without influencing business consequences.

We cannot list all of the metrics reported by data monitoring tools since each data pipeline has unique requirements requiring unique tracking.

Focus on latency-sensitive metrics when developing a time-series data pipeline. If your data arrives in bunches, correctly track its transmission processes.

How to Create a Scalable Data Analysis Pipeline

Creating scalable data pipelines, like addressing accessibility issues, requires time and effort, to begin with. Still, when the group grows, it will be worth it. Here are the actions you take to make sure that your data pipelines are scalable:

Select The Correct Architecture

Choose a flexible architecture that meets the data processing requirements of your firm.

A scalable architecture can handle rising volumes of data or processing needs without requiring major adjustments or generating performance concerns.

It can include implementing distributed networks that allow for horizontal growth by adding nodes as needed or cloud-based solutions that offer scalable infrastructure on demand.

The architecture should also be responsive to modifications in sources of data or processing requirements over time.

1. Implement Data Management

Create a data management strategy according to your organization’s specific objectives and goals, the data kinds and sources you’ll be dealing with, and the different kinds of analysis or processing you’ll perform on that data.

For example, a typical data warehousing solution may be appropriate if you have a large volume of structured data that must be processed for business intelligence purposes.

On the other hand, a data lake strategy may be more appropriate when dealing with unstructured data, such as social media feeds or sensor data.

A data lake enables you to store vast amounts of data in their native format, making it easier to handle and interpret data of diverse quality and type.

2. Use Of Parallel Processing

Employ parallel processing techniques to boost the processing capacity of your data pipeline. It breaks a task into several smaller tasks that can be completed simultaneously.

Suppose a data pipeline is created to process a significant amount of data. Then you may need to divide the data into smaller portions so that different computers may handle it in parallel.

3. Optimize Data Processing

Limiting data transport, employing caching and in-memory processing, compressing data, and conducting incremental updates rather than re-computing past data are all ways to optimize data processing.

A scalable pipeline will process enormous amounts of data in real-time while also adjusting to future needs and demands.

As a result, the data team’s efficiency, adaptability, and ability to empower business users to make informed data-driven decisions would improve.

Common Data Analysis Pipeline Use Cases

Data pipelines are now common in practically every sector and corporation. It could be as simple as moving data from one area to another or as complex as processing data for machine learning engines to make product suggestions.

The following are some of the most typical data pipeline use cases:

1. Utilizing Exploratory Data

Data scientists utilize exploratory data analysis (EDA) to study and investigate data sets and describe their essential properties, frequently using data visualization approaches.

It assists in determining how to modify data sources best to obtain the answers required, making it easier for data scientists to uncover patterns, detect anomalies, test hypotheses, and validate assumptions.

2. Data Visualizations

Data visualizations use standard images to represent data, such as graphs, plots, diagrams, and animations.

3. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that employs data and algorithms to replicate how humans acquire knowledge and gradually enhance its accuracy.

Algorithms are trained to generate classifications or predictions using statistical approaches, revealing crucial insights in data mining initiatives.

To read more here about machine learning benefits and its workflows

How to Create an Accessible Data Science Pipeline

Although the work required to create a usable data science pipeline may appear intimidating initially, it is critical to appreciate the considerable long-term advantages they may have.

A well-designed and easily available data pipeline helps data teams to acquire, process, and analyze data more rapidly and consistently, improving their medium- to long-term workflow and allowing informed decision-making.

The following are the steps in a data pipeline to creating an accessible data pipeline:

1. Define your data requirements.

Determine how data will move through the pipeline by identifying the information about your company’s sources, types, and processing requirements.

It ensures that data is maintained and routed logically and consistently.

2. Implement standardization

Establish name conventions, formatting, and storage standards for your data. It makes it easier for teams to identify and access data and decreases the possibility of errors or misunderstandings caused by discrepancies. Standardization can also make integrating more data sources into the pipeline easier.

3. Select the correct technology.

Select a unified data stack with an intuitive user interface and access control features.

  • Ensure that your team members can use your data tool regardless of data literacy level.
  • You can no longer rely on costly data engineers to build your data architecture.
  • Ensure that only the users who require the data have access to it.

Automate processes

Automating manual procedures in a data science pipeline can lead to more efficient and reliable data processing.

For example, automating data intake, cleansing, and transformation operations can limit the possibility of human error while also saving time.

Data validation, testing, and deployment are other procedures that can be automated to ensure the quality and dependability of the data pipeline.

Process automation can also save data teams time to focus on more complicated duties, such as data analysis and modeling, resulting in enhanced insights and decision-making.

Wrapping Up

Despite using many tools to allow distinct local activities, a Data Analytical Pipeline strategy assists businesses in managing data end-to-end and providing all stakeholders with rapid, actionable business insights.

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Modern Data Management: Introduction, Key Concepts, and How to Adopt it for Success

Modern Data Management: Introduction, Key Concepts, and How to Adopt it for Success

Data governance, integration, architecture, quality, and security are just a few aspects of modern data platform management essential to realizing the value of data inside an organization.

Given the sheer number of variables at play, it’s hardly surprising that businesses need help updating their data procedures.

However, you must carefully control every moving part of the machine. Newer technologies like automation and data modeling can help your company optimize its data management procedures and clarify common data problems.

What is Data Management?

Data management is a collection of multiple characteristics that, when taken together, allow businesses to use accurate and dependable data to generate insights that assist with decision-making. If a company wants to take a data-driven approach and rely on business intelligence tools to provide relevant reports, it must have a complete data management plan.

To guarantee that the enterprise’s data management strategy aligns with its objectives, policies and best practices must be developed and implemented across the whole company. The data management system is comprised of several different kinds of procedures, including:

  • Data storage in the cloud and on-premises.
  • Updating data in multiple data tiers.
  • Security and recovery.
  • Archiving historical data and eliminating it on schedule.

What is modern data management?

Modern data platform management is connecting data with technological advances to recognize possibilities and get insights to put it in the simplest terms possible. It lets businesses make choices more quickly and more effectively, which ultimately assists them in streamlining conventional data operations to gain a competitive edge.

Effective data management has become one of the most important challenges facing modern businesses due to the ever-increasing complexity of the new digital world.

Data Management: Why Do You Need It?

Many factors necessitate that a company prioritize data management and check for errors often. Businesses nowadays are increasingly turning to big data consulting services to help them modernize their operations and eliminate errors. It simplifies the changes and enhances the effects.

Data management risks and problems

Effective data management is crucial in today’s information-driven world, yet it comes with its fair share of risks and challenges. From data security breaches and compliance issues to data quality concerns and scalability problems, navigating the data landscape demands a strategic approach.

1) Safety of Information

The possibility of data breaches, illegal access, and cyberattacks all give substantial problems to data management. Broad security measures and constant monitoring are required to mitigate potential dangers and protect sensitive data.

2) Data Quality

In data management, one challenge is ensuring that the data are accurate, consistent, and extensive. Data that is inaccurate or inconsistent can lead to incorrect insights, which in turn can lead to poor decision-making and inefficiencies in processes.

3) Data Governance

Establishing and sustaining good data governance rules over time might be difficult. A concerted effort and a commitment on the company’s part are required to define data ownership, roles, and responsibilities, in addition to implementing data policies and standards.

4) Privacy and Compliance

It might be difficult to manage data in a way that complies with privacy requirements. Organizations are required to manage regulatory requirements, establish privacy measures, and handle data subject rights, all while keeping up to speed with the many rules that are continuously changing.

5) Data Integrability

The difficulty of integrating and combining data from various sources is a typical one. Engaging in careful preparation, data mapping, and integration strategy is necessary to achieve data interoperability between different systems, applications, and platforms.

6) Scalability and Volume

Managing and analyzing huge quantities of data gets more challenging as the volume of data continues to expand. To keep up with the ever-increasing need for data, you will need an infrastructure capable of scaling, effective storage, and data processing capabilities.

Benefits of Modern Data Management

The following is a list of benefits of modern data that an organization will receive if they use current data management strategies, regardless of whether they use on-premises or cloud-based services for data analytics.

1) Improved judgment

For decision-makers to make educated, data-driven choices, they need access to accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date data.

2) Resource Minimization

If data scientists spend more than half their time just gathering and organizing information, they waste their time. When will there be an analysis of this data? Do we not have access to real-time information? The solution is found in the use of modern data management strategies and consulting services.

Businesses may maximize their profits by investing in AI-based technologies, advanced software for data analytics, and automating routine operations.

3) Safety and reliability of data

To improve the dependability and integrity of data assets, data management strategies center on keeping data quality high by guaranteeing its correctness, consistency, and completeness.

4) Insights and customization

The ability to collect and analyze client data is made possible by efficient data management, allowing businesses to get insights that can be utilized to tailor their services, boost customer happiness, and win their loyalty.

5) Save money

Through better modern data strategy, businesses may save money by reducing unnecessary data duplication, saving money on storage and infrastructure, and avoiding data-related mistakes.

6) Privacy and data security

The potential for data breaches and negative loss may be reduced by putting in place data management procedures that keep data safe, prevent unauthorized access, and comply with the requirements for privacy.

7) Recovering from disasters

The ability to recover from data loss or system outages is important, which is why disaster recovery plans are integral to data management.

8) Data and collaboration

With the right modern data strategy, teams and departments can easily share and collaborate on data to improve workflow, communication, and cross-functional understanding.


Data Management Tools and Technologies

Data management tools and technologies are built on platforms for managing data and feature a variety of components and procedures that function together to help you get the most out of your data. Database management systems, data warehouses and lakes, data integration tools, analytics, and other tools fall into this category.

Database management systems (DBMS)

There are several types of database management systems consisting of,

  • Relational database management systems (RDBMS)
  • Object-oriented database management systems (OODMBS)
  • In-memory databases
  • Columnar databases

What are data warehouses and lakes?

1) Data warehouse:

A data warehouse is a centralized collection of data from multiple sources for reporting and analysis.

2) Data lake:

A data lake is a large collection of raw or natural data. Data lakes are commonly used to store Big Data, which can be structured, unstructured, or semi-structured.


Master data management (MDM)

Master data management is establishing a single trustworthy master reference for all critical company data, such as product, customer, asset, finance, and so on.

MDM ensures that enterprises do not employ numerous, potentially conflicting versions of data in various sections of the business, such as processes, operations, analytics, and reporting. Data consolidation, governance, and quality management are the three main pillars of efficient MDM.

1) Big Data management

New databases and technologies have been developed to manage Big Data – vast volumes of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data inundating enterprises today.

New approaches to analyzing and managing data diversity have been developed, including highly effective processing techniques and cloud-based capabilities to handle the volume and velocity.

To enable data management technologies to understand and interact with various types of unstructured data, new pre-processing procedures, for example, are employed to recognize and categorize data items to facilitate storage and recovery.

2) Data integration

The practice of absorbing, manipulating, merging, and delivering data where and when it is required is known as data integration.

This integration occurs within and outside the organization, spanning partners, third-party information sources, and use cases to meet the data consumption requirements of all applications and business processes.

Bulk/batch data transfer, extract, transform, load (ETL), change data capture, data replication, data visualization, streaming data integration, data orchestration, and other techniques are used.

3) Data governance, security, and compliance

Data governance is a set of policies and responsibilities that ensure data availability, quality, compliance, and security within an organization.

Data governance sets up the systems and identifies the individuals inside an organization who have power and responsibility for the processing and security of various types of data.

Data governance is a critical component of compliance. The technology will handle the technical aspects of storage, handling, and security.

It includes the people side and the governance side, which ensures that the data is correct, to begin with and that it is managed and secured properly before being entered into the system, while it is being used, and when it is extracted from the system for use or storage elsewhere.

Governance defines how accountable persons use processes and technologies to manage and secure data.

Of course, in today’s age of hackers, viruses, cyberattacks, and data breaches, data security is a huge worry.

While security is incorporated into systems and applications, data governance ensures that those platforms are correctly set up and managed to protect the data and that procedures and responsibilities to safeguard the data outside the systems and database are followed.

4) Analytics and business intelligence

Data management systems contain basic data collection and reporting features, and many contain or package developed retrieval, analysis, and reporting applications.

Third-party developers offer reporting and analytics applications, which will virtually probably be part of the application bundle as an integral part or as an extra module for more extensive capabilities.

The power of current data management systems is largely derived from random retrieval capabilities, which enable users with no training to design their on-screen data retrievals and print-out reports with unexpected formatting, calculations, sorts, and summaries.

Professionals can also use these tools or more powerful analytics tools to perform more calculations, comparisons, higher math, and formatting. New analytics apps may connect traditional databases, data warehouses, and data lakes, combining Big Data with business application data for better forecasting, analysis, and planning.


What Is An Enterprise Data Strategy, And Why Do You Need One?

With today’s data explosion and its importance to the operation of every company, a more proactive and complete approach to data management is becoming increasingly required.

In practice, this involves preparing ahead of time and developing a modern data strategy that:

  • Identifies the exact categories of data that your organization will require and utilize
  • Assigns responsibility for each type of data
  • Creates policies to govern the gathering, collection, and use of that data

Wrapping It Up

Maintaining modern databases requires a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates several different procedures, technologies, and personnel. A company cannot successfully implement the contemporary data management method unless these are consolidated onto a single platform. Many data management businesses counsel small and large businesses on the need to adopt such a system and how to most effectively put it into practice.

It’s time to switch to a data-driven strategy so the company can grow and thrive in today’s increasingly competitive business climate.

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The Best AI Consulting Services Companies In 2023

The Best AI Consulting Services Companies In 2023

AI is nearing the next maturity level and coming out of the hype cycle, as per the Gartner report. It is being used in more industries, not just for automation. It is also used to make intelligent products and services for business growth.

Around 90% of businesses in the US and UK see artificial intelligence as important, and most of them have AI projects in the works or the planning stages. 

However, half of them admit they lack the expertise to fully leverage AI technologies. Expert AI consulting Services can help in this regard.

What is an AI consulting company?

Consulting firms specializing in AI use this technology to advise and assist businesses.

These are the responsibilities of Expert AI consulting Services employed by these companies:

The best AI technologies and solutions are identified by analyzing the client’s requirements and business goals.

  • Creating AI models, algorithms, and programs that meet the customer’s needs.
  • Serving as a client’s go-to resource for advice and assistance from planning through launch and beyond.
  • Making sure AI systems are safe and follow all applicable rules and regulations.
  • Clients will be better equipped to make the most of their AI investments after participating in training sessions and workshops.
  • By shedding them, businesses can leverage the most recent AI technologies and expertise to streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and stimulate growth.

Why are AI data solutions companies important?

Products that can use AI are becoming more important. AI-powered products, especially creative AI-powered products like ChatGPT, are in high demand, but the supply is limited due to a lack of knowledge and resources. 

Either the technology isn’t quite there yet, or businesses don’t know which companies to hire. So, Expert AI consulting Services firms are a big part of how businesses and tech companies work together. 

The main goal of the best AI development companies is to help people and businesses figure out how to use AI data solutions technology to make their processes better.

What do Expert AI Consulting Services companies do?

A company that does AI consulting gives businesses information and tips about using AI to improve operations. AI Consulting can be broken down into three main parts:

1. Strategy development

To help a business use Artificial Intelligence (AI) successfully, Top AI Development Experts must have a clear understanding of the client’s specific needs, problems, and opportunities. Analyzing the company’s data and analytics capabilities and pinpointing its weak spots are essential steps in this process. 

Based on this data, an AI consulting firm can advise a company on the most fruitful AI projects to undertake and how to best integrate and exploit AI to support expansion and success.

2. Implementation

Once an AI strategy is made, it must be put into action through a number of steps and actions. It encompasses all phases of the project life cycle, from initial planning and company selection to project management, implementation, and continuous optimization of business operations. Change management is also very important for making sure that AI is implemented and used well in the company.

3. Education and training

The consulting company should try to improve the client’s information and skills. It is crucial in the competitive field of artificial intelligence. AI consulting businesses mostly help their clients make sure that the people who will be working on the technologies are skilled and knowledgeable about them.

The best AI development companies on our list for 2023

1. Boston Consulting Group

Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a multinational management consulting business, has developed strong AI consulting skills. BCG uses extensive industry expertise and cutting-edge AI technology to create customized solutions for customers.

BCG’s AI consultancy has helped firms improve operations, customer experiences, and innovation through data-driven decision-making. 

BCG helps customers make educated decisions with substantial business impact by using powerful AI algorithms and predictive analytics.

BCG’s AI consultancy is distinctive. They value a human-centered approach and address corporate and social ramifications. BCG’s approach covers AI strategy creation, technology implementation, talent management, and ethics. 

This complete strategy guarantees that AI solutions meet corporate goals while addressing risks and ethics.

Headquarters: MA, Boston, USA
Founded: 1963
Size: 10000+ 

2. Data Nectar Technosys

With a global presence in Norway, the UK, India, and the USA, Data Nectar Technosys is committed to helping organizations leverage the power of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence to gain a significant competitive advantage.

Data Nectar Technosys is a dynamic data analytics and consulting services company that collaborates closely with businesses to address complex challenges and deliver data and analytics solutions.

Their team of data scientists and strategists works hand-in-hand with clients to provide high-value solutions in various domains, including Machine Learning, Generative AI, Deep Learning, and Business Intelligence.

They assist their clients in optimizing the utilization of their data assets, enabling them to make informed, timely, and strategic business decisions, whether for the short term or long term.

The company’s core focus is on delivering actionable insights that drive operational improvements and ultimately lead to enhanced profitability for its clients.

Headquarters: UK
10- 45

3. Deeper Insights

Deeper Insights is a UK-based AI consulting and development firm that specializes in AI research, ML engineering, NLP, and computer vision. Their website says they tackle “impossible problems” to help clients achieve commercial outcomes. 

The company creates unique AI algorithms and ML models utilizing customer data or data from their Skim EngineTM ML web scraper.

They’ve completed a number of cutting-edge AI projects for both large and small clients, a global real estate services company, such as an automated insights app for Deloitte’s sales teams, a custom media monitoring platform for Jll, and a set of deep learning-integrated computer vision algorithms to recognize body parts in images used in robotic surgeries.

Headquarters: London, UK
Year: 2014
Size: 10-49

4. Cambridge Consultants

Cambridge Consultants helps companies create AI-based products that “will change how we live and the world around us.” They have over 20,000 square meters of R&D and development space and a team of 900 people.

Cambridge Consultants, which has been around since 1960 and is part of the French tech consulting company Capgemini, is a big and well-known name on our list of the best AI development companies.

Cambridge Consultants is known for its AI innovations in many businesses and fields. Their projects consist of a drone delivery service to military robots that use AI-based navigation and reinforcement learning. 

They also have the technology for spraying crops, an AI system built for the UK Ministry of Defense to automatically respond to cyberattacks, and a tool for classifying piano music.

Headquarters: Cambridge, UK
Year: 1960
Rates: $99+ / hr
Size: 900+

5. Avenga

Avenga is a renowned IT engineering and AI consulting firm that uses cutting-edge innovation to revolutionize businesses. They provide scalable AI solutions to streamline operations, improve consumer experiences, and get insights. 

Avenga remains ahead of AI developments by partnering with industry leaders, technology suppliers, and research universities. Because of this, their clients may make use of the most cutting-edge AI technology currently accessible.

Avenga stands apart due to its dedication to AI research and development. They support their AI specialists in developing their careers by giving them access to regular training, research opportunities, and collaborative spaces. 

Avenga’s commitment to staying on the cutting edge of AI means the company always has the knowledge to provide cutting-edge services that boost its clients’ bottom lines.

Headquarters: Warszawa, Poland
Founded: 2019
Size: 1000-10000

6. LeewayHertz

LeewayHertz has been in business since 2007, and it focuses on many areas of AI, such as ML, NLP, and computer vision. Big companies like Procter & Gamble, McKinsey & Company, Siemens, and Hershey’s are among its clients.

With the goal of helping organizations use AI on a large scale, LeewayHertz has made it onto our list of the Best AI Consulting Services companies because it provides innovative AI solutions across industries. 

ML, speech recognition, and NLP were used to make Arya, the world’s first tea-making robot, in collaboration with an Indian food tech company. This was one of its most important projects. They have also made a store for AI apps that use computer vision and an employee time-tracking app that uses AI.

Headquarters: San Francisco, California
Founded: 2007
Rates: $50-$99 /hr
Size: 51-249

7. Azati

Azati was started in 2001. Its offices are in the US, and its research and development center is in Belarus. Both have helped many businesses, and the company has become one of the Best AI Consulting Services companies. 

Depending on the needs of your project, the company has provided advice and built AI-powered solutions for both startups and large businesses. 

They also offer design, programming, data science, and machine learning as part of their services. Azati has Top AI Development Experts to meet your goal of AI Data solutions.

Headquarters: Livingston, NJ, USA
Founded: 2001
Rates: $25-$49 /hr
Size: 100-145

8. Markovate

Markovate is a prominent AI development consulting firm that serves clients in a wide range of sectors with cutting-edge, tailor-made AI-powered solutions. Markovate has established itself as a leader in the artificial intelligence (AI) market by consistently releasing superior AI products that improve efficiency, delight customers, and fuel growth. 

When it comes to technology and new ideas, Markovate is dedicated to being at the forefront among top artificial intelligence companies. They stay abreast of developments in artificial intelligence so that they may offer clients innovative strategies that provide results. 

Markovate recognizes the need for teamwork and open lines of communication for completing AI projects. They put a lot of effort into making long-term connections with clients so that they can be a trusted partner throughout the whole process of developing AI. 

Headquarters: San Francisco, USA
Founded: 2015
Size: 53-105

9. SoluLab

SoluLab is an Expert AI Consulting Services firm and a service provider for decentralized software development. It is known for providing new solutions to businesses in many different industries.

SoluLab has a team of Top AI Development Experts with a lot of experience in machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, among other things. Their success comes from making AI plans that are specific to each client’s goals and helping them reach those goals.

SoluLab has done some important projects, like putting AI-driven personalization tools into place for an e-commerce business, which led to higher conversion rates and more satisfied clients.

SoluLab’s method of putting AI to use is all-encompassing and team-based. They put ethical AI practices, following rules, and sharing information at the top of their list so that clients can use AI technologies successfully.

Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Founded: 2014
Size: 50-249

10. ThirdEyeData

ThirdEyeData is a well-known AI Data Solution and Expert AI Consulting Services company. They offer data strategy, predictive analytics, machine learning, and NLP. ThirdEyeData helps organizations use data to make smart decisions and succeed with their AI expertise.

ThirdEyeData’s AI implementations and industry contributions are noteworthy. They solved tough business problems for varied clientele across sectors. Their knowledge has increased operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and client income.

ThirdEyeData prioritizes customer happiness. They focus on clients’ needs and goals. ThirdEyeData supports AI consultancy throughout the process. AI consultancy companies trust them because of their client satisfaction.

Headquarters:  San Jose, CA, US
Founded: 2010
Size: 50-249

At Data-Nectar, we are committed to providing top-notch AI consulting services, US-based AI cloud service providers, and innovative generative AI solutions that will propel your business into the future. Contact us today to explore your AI experience.

Final Words on Best AI Consulting Services Company

Organizations must carefully analyze their needs and choose the best AI consulting Services partner as demand develops. This blog features 2023’s top Expert AI Consulting Services businesses, but further research and involvement are needed to make final judgments.

In conclusion, AI consulting firms help enterprises use AI and flourish sustainably in the digital world. Businesses may stay ahead in the AI-driven age by using these top AI consulting firms.

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Top Reasons to Outsource Data Analytics for Startups and Entrepreneurs

Top Reasons to Outsource Data Analytics for Startups and Entrepreneurs

All business and IT operations, even critical ones like data science and analytics, are being outsourced by organizations.

For businesses that invest in digital growth, data science outsourcing is one of the most attractive fields in terms of competition.

Organizations can use the knowledge of skilled service providers who develop solutions, carry out analytics, and assist in the production of helpful business insights by outsourcing this area to a dependable supplier.

The tendency to allocate tasks to a data scientist or an entire team of specialists provided by an outside business has increased significantly over the past few years.

According to research, the size of the global market for data analysis would grow from 2018 to 2025 at a CAGR of more than 22.8%.

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is the science that enables a corporation to use raw data to generate insightful findings and recommendations that promote company growth.

A company can improve efficiency and performance in some areas, including marketing, logistics, finance, sales, and customer service, by using data analysis.

Data analytics assist a company in collecting data from multiple sources and seeing patterns that might lead to developing insightful information.

Organizations may use data analytics with the correct frameworks and structure to gain a competitive advantage.

Why Should You Outsource Data Analytics?

The age of outsourcing is currently in effect. All business and IT tasks, including strategic procedures, are being outsourced by companies.

Depending on the business, Data analytics outsourcing can be done for various reasons.

But it’s critical to understand that data currently strongly impacts how businesses function, and that importance will only grow.

As a result, data analytics must be taken into consideration by every business.

Businesses now use software systems that include cutting-edge technologies like digitization, machine learning, and AI.

Incorporating these systems from scratch can take time, effort, and money.


With data science outsourcing, any company may take full advantage of the rapidly changing technology trends and beat the competition.

Key Advantages Of Data Analytics Outsourcing

1. Access To Specialized Expertise

Prediction analytics, data visualization, and machine learning are just a few of the many divisions in the fast-expanding subject of data analytics. 

As a result, businesses may need help to stay up with the latest developments and patterns in data analytics.

Data analytics outsourcing can give businesses access to knowledge they might not have. 

For example, a business analytics services provider might include machine learning specialists that can assist a business in creating predictive models for identifying probable loss of clients. 

Alternatively, a service provider might have specialists in data visualization who can assist a company in developing user-friendly dashboards to present information to decision-makers.

2. Cost Savings

A full-time data analytics team’s hiring and upkeep can be costly. Organizations are required to give their employees perks, education, and tools in addition to pay. 

Also, because it could take time to discover the right people, employing an internal team can be time-consuming and expensive.

Outsourcing data analytics may be less expensive than hiring and training an internal team. 

Service providers frequently offer flexible pricing structures, enabling organizations to only pay for their required services. 

Instead of hiring a full-time employee, a company might contract a service provider to handle a one-time data analysis assignment. 

Long-term financial savings for companies are possible with this strategy.

3. Improved Efficiency

Business analytics services frequently have the tools and know-how to finish tasks more quickly and effectively than the in-house staff. 

A service provider may have access to specific software tools and data technology that can facilitate speedy and exact data analysis.

Based on the insights produced, outsourcing data analytics can assist businesses in making quicker and more informed decisions. 

It can be essential in finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, where choices must be made quickly.

4. Focus On Core Business Activities

It can take a lot of time and resources to analyze data. Instead of spending time and resources on data analysis duties, companies can concentrate on their core business operations by outsourcing data analytics. 

Instead of focusing on customer data analysis, an e-commerce business can create new items and enter new markets.

By outsourcing data analytics, the company may have more time and money to devote to its core operations. Organizations may benefit from this by achieving their objectives more swiftly and effectively.

5. Scalable

Different data analytics requirements may be required depending on an organization’s needs. 

For example, a company might require data analysis services during intense business activity but not in periods of low business activity.

Expert analytics services providers can quickly modify their offerings to suit the needs of the business. 

This adaptability enables firms to meet changing business needs without worrying about the time and expense required to acquire or fire internal staff.

6. Fast Results

Data analytics companies frequently have a bigger team and more resources available, allowing them to finish projects more quickly than their employees. 

Service providers can work on several at once or may have experts who can collaborate on a single project to complete projects more quickly.

Organizations can create insights and make data-driven choices more swiftly by outsourcing data analytics. 

For instance, data analytics services can finish the study more quickly, enabling the business to react to client demands and preferences more rapidly if it wants to analyze customer data to spot trends and patterns.

7. Greater Use of Data

With data’s increasing worth, it can be used effectively for company growth. 

The whole chain of information and analysis has experienced a significant change as machines have taken on the task of processing data. 

Therefore, for many companies wishing to use data more extensively in their operations, outsourcing data analytics is a necessity of the hour.

A qualified partner can raise a company’s commitment to managing its data and help it discover untested ways that may be important to long-term success.

8. Maintaining Compliance

Businesses must deal with various laws covering the collection, processing, storage, and use of data due to the growing volume of data. 

Your company will better understand and handle compliance obligations if you have a seasoned data analytics partner.

An external outsourcing partner can make it considerably easier for companies to produce easily audited data. 

A company must be on the correct side of the rules to ensure smooth operation, for example, with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other equivalent versions in other markets.

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Risks Of Outsource Data Analytics

1. Risks to Data Security

When data analytics are outsourced, private information is available to a third party. Customer information, financial information, and other personal data may be included. 

As the outside party might have a different level of security standards in place than the business, this could pose risks to the safety of the data.

Organizations must thoroughly investigate the expert analytics services provider they hire to ensure they have adequate data security protocols in place to reduce this risk. 

Also, they must ensure that they have entered into suitable legal agreements with their service provider that contain provisions for data protection.

2. Quality Assurance Challenges

One can outsource data analytics by contracting with a third party to deliver improved insights and advice based on the data analysis. 

However, there is always a chance that the service provider’s work may need to measure up to the standards set by the company.

Organizations must set up clear quality control criteria and expectations with the analytics service provider to reduce this risk. 

To ensure the service provider meets their needs, they must also establish consistent channels of contact and feedback systems.

3. Cultural Differences

The organization and the supplier of services could face cultural hurdles due to outsourcing data analytics. It could result in errors of understanding, miscommunication, and inefficiency.

Organizations must create clear communication channels and protocols with their data analytics services to reduce this risk. 

Also, they must ensure that the service provider is well aware of the organization’s culture, beliefs, and objectives.

4. Control Loss

Outsourcing data analytics requires a certain amount of control over the analysis process being provided. 

Due to this, it could be more challenging to see and comprehend how the data is being processed and the results being made.

Organizations must establish transparent data analysis processes with their service provider to lessen this risk. 

To oversee the analysis process and guarantee that it meets their needs, they must also ensure they have access to the raw data and intermediate analysis outcomes.


Organizations can gain much from outsourcing data analytics, including access to specialist knowledge, cutting-edge technologies and infrastructure, and quicker outcomes. 

But it also has several dangers. The choice to outsource data analytics should ultimately be made after an in-depth assessment of the organization’s requirements, capabilities, and objectives. 

Organizations can use the potential of data analytics to fuel corporate growth, innovation, and success by carefully balancing the risks and rewards and choosing a reputable and skilled service provider.

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Why Data Is Not Enough: The Importance Of Analytics And Insights.

Why Data Is Not Enough: The Importance Of Analytics And Insights.

Analytics are now used by more than just large, big businesses. With 59% of companies employing analytics in some way, it is already widely used. And businesses are making use of this technology in a variety of ways.

What is the Difference Between Data, Analytics & Insights?

When we define the terms clearly, the variations become evident:

  • Data = a collection of facts.
  • Analytics = organizing and examining data.
  • Insights = discovering patterns in data. 

The Real Potential of Insight-Driven Advertising

Their actual worth lies in the power of data and analytics to produce in-depth insights. Many data points are possible.

But you need to be able to process and arrange that data to derive insightful information from it.

These mobile insights are aided by predictive app marketing, which gives apps rapid insight by identifying which customers are most likely to quit or convert in the future based on the app’s very own data. 

Following that, brands can use these prescient data to boost conversions and proactively stop defection.

What Is Data?

Data are the details you learn about users, such as their demographics, behaviors, and activities.

More data than ever before are now available to us. More data has been produced recently than at any other time in human history, and this trend is expected to continue.

Data gathering and storage have gone way up as many methods exist to connect to and use the internet. 

Big data has become the new standard as organizations gather consumer data through numerous channels, such as apps, email, and online browsing.

Despite the massive quantity of data, it isn’t easy to interpret without cleaning and deduplicating it.

What is Analytics?

Analytics is the process of identifying patterns and trends in your data.

Analytics are essential for data to be helpful. Analytics is making sense of your data and identifying significant trends. 

These vast data sets contain immense importance that applications and other businesses can only access with analytics.

Your data may show that you have some numbers. 

The information isn’t beneficial, but an analytics tool might dig deeper into it. This converts your data and offers you the first idea of how successful your mobile app marketing is.

What are Analytical Insights?

The benefit derived from the usage of analytics is insight. Analytical insights are practical and can be used to expand your brand while detecting potential markets.

Insights may reveal that increase in purchases if we stick with the same example. 

Now that you know how successful your push campaigns are, you can keep testing new ideas and improving your messaging to increase sales even more.

Examples Of Data Insights

Several sectors and organizational departments will have different data insights. Yet, the four essential data insight examples that are provided below can be used by various teams.

Data Insights which:

  • Improve processes to boost output.
  • Find new markets for your goods and services to generate new revenue sources.
  • To lessen the loss, better balance risk and return.
  • Increase customer knowledge to boost lifetime value and loyalty.

Advantages Of Data Analytics Insights

An Organisation Can Make Better Judgements With Data Analytics Solutions. 

Organizational decisions are frequently based more on instinct than on facts and figures. One reason for this can be a lack of access to high-quality data that would help in decision-making.

Analytics may assist in converting the available data into useful information for executives to make better decisions. 

Fewer bad decisions could be a source of competitive advantage since bad choices can harm several things, including corporate growth and profitability.

Boost The Effectiveness Of The Work

Analytics may assist in quickly analyzing vast quantities of information and displaying it in a structured fashion to help achieve specific organizational goals. 

By enabling the management to communicate the insights from the analytics results with the staff, it promotes an environment of efficiency and cooperation. 

A company’s weaknesses and potential areas for improvement become apparent, and steps can be taken to improve workplace efficiency and boost productivity.

The Analytics Keeps You Informed Of Any Changes In Your Customers’ Behaviour.

There are many options for clients. If businesses are not responsive to the wants and needs of their customers, they may quickly slide into a problem. 

In this age of digitization, customers frequently encounter new information, which causes them to change their thoughts. 

With the help of analytics, it is almost possible for enterprises to understand all the changes in consumer perception data, given a large amount of customer data. 

Analytics can help you understand your target market’s mentality and whether it has changed. 

Consequently, being aware of the shift in client behavior can provide a significant edge to organizations so that they can react faster to market developments.

Products And Services Are Customised

The days when a business could provide customers with uniform goods and services are gone forever. Consumers want goods and services that can suit their specific requirements. 

Analytics may help companies track the kind of product, service, or content that customers prefer and then make recommendations based on those preferences.

For instance, we typically see what we want to see on social media, thanks to the data collecting and analytics performed by businesses. 

Data analytics services allow customers to receive customized services based on their unique needs.

Enhancing The Quality Of Goods And Services

By identifying and fixing faults or preventing non-value-added tasks, data analytics solutions can aid in improving the user experience. 

Self-learning systems, for instance, can make the required adjustments to improve the user experience by using data to understand how users interact with tools.

Data analytics services can also aid in automatic data cleansing, enhance data quality, and ultimately benefit customers and enterprises.

Limitations Of Data Analytics Insights

  • Lack of alignment within teams
  • Lack of commitment and patience
  • Low quality of data
  • Privacy concerns
  • Complexity & Bias

How to Get Data Insights?

Determining objectives, gathering, integrating, and maintaining the data, analyzing the data to derive insights, and finally distributing these insights are typical steps in obtaining actionable data insights.

Establish business goals

Stakeholders start the process by outlining specific goals, such as enhancing production procedures or identifying the most successful marketing campaigns.

Gathering of data

Ideally, methods for gathering and storing raw source modern data stack already exist. If not, the company must set up a systematic data collection strategy.

Data management and integration

Data integration is required to clean up source data so that it is analytics-ready after it has been gathered. 

This method combines data replication, ingestion, and transformation to integrate various forms of data into standardized formats that can be kept in a repository like a data lake or data warehouse.

Data analysis

Users of data exploration software or business intelligence (BI) tools can collaborate to create data insights that address specific queries. 

Afterward, users can use dashboards and reports to discuss their results. 

Self-service analytics, which allows any user to evaluate data without writing code, is a feature of some contemporary technologies. 

Because of this functionality, more users can collaborate with and gain insights from their data.

Key Features Of Modern Analysis Technologies That Produce Deeper Data Insights

Dashboards And Information Visualisation

People better understand and cooperate with data on interactive digital dashboards.

Improved Analytics

Artificial intelligence and machine learning improve your intuition by recommending analyses and insights for you to conduct.

Embedded Analytics

If analytical capabilities are built into the apps and workflows people frequently use, they will discover actionable data insights more quickly.


Choose The Right Tools

One of a company’s most precious assets, data can significantly impact its long-term performance.

Because of this, it’s crucial to use the appropriate technologies and tools to properly utilize all accessible data and make it as precise as possible.

These are some particular criteria we consider when evaluating tools and technology for precise data analysis:

  • Normalizing data for the straightforward arrangement
  • Shareable dashboards to facilitate team member communication
  • Complete mobility
  • Integration of third parties

While looking for tools, it’s a good idea to ask for a demo of any platform you’re considering to get a feel for how it operates, what the dashboard looks like, how user-friendly it is, and other factors.


Final Words

In a short time, analytics has advanced significantly. It can help with many different parts of operations and can change the game for many firms. 

But, to achieve the best outcomes, businesses must understand how to use this technology best, enhance the quality of their data, and efficiently manage it.

The Small Business Owner’s Guide To Data Analytics

The Small Business Owner’s Guide To Data Analytics

Dear small business owners,

I hope that the oncoming depressing sentence doesn’t end up upsetting you but if it does, please bear with me because I empathize with you and want to suggest something which will not only be useful but it may open up a new horizon for your profitability.

In comparison with the large businesses, our position is quite vulnerable in multiple aspects such as financial standing and cash flow, strategy, client reliance, being updated with the market, leadership dependence, balancing quality and growth, access to cutting-edge technology, customer retention, supply chain management, inventory control, handling price fluctuations, employees evaluation, sensing a customer going away, control on operations, etc to name a few. As small businesses, we do want to help our customers and offer them great deals but there are limitations on how generous we can be to them.

In such a scenario there is a tool if applied correctly, effectively, and smartly can give us a great help to smartly counter the challenges posed by the mighty large-size competitors. That tool is Data Analytics.

What exactly is Data Analytics?

Data Analytics is a buzzword nowadays, and it’s also branded as ‘the next big thing.’

Data analytics is a set of processes to collect data from various sources, transforming that data using well-defined algorithms, and organizing it in a way that it reflects meaningful conclusions to support informed decision-making and also to predict future trends and patterns.

Companies collect large amounts of data every moment from many types of data-feeding sources such as mobile phone sniffers, loyalty cards, financial transactions, point of sales, web page visits, online purchases, social media interactions, text input on any net-connected devices, and literally from every device we can and can not think of.

But that data as it is collected in large amounts (which is called raw data) doesn’t make any sense unless we have those exceptional superhuman abilities (thank God we don’t have that.)

Therefore we need ‘something’ which can synthesize and analyze the raw data and derives some meaningful and useful information out of that intimidating jumble. ‘Data Analytics’ is ‘something’ that can do that for us. 

It’s an art or science which can create a picture of meaningful information for us from scattered jigsaw pieces called raw data. 

Data Analytics is a process of analyzing raw data to help us extract useful ‘insights’ which are not only important but inevitable to make business decisions.

Why should small business owners use data Analytics?

If I want to describe it in the shortest way possible, It’s “if you want to figure out how to provide exactly the right product at the right time, exactly to the right customer, data analytics is the tool you must use.”

Data analysis allows you to conduct an objective assessment of your business.

You have to use Data Analytics to give your customers better service, reward them for their loyalty, to offer them a supportive product/service for the product they are going to buy. And also to predict if they’re going away from you.

You can also predict what’s happening in your customer’s life by looking at the data of their buying behavior (for example if a customer starts purchasing nappies and infant milk powder, there has been the arrival of a baby in their life. So you can help them get those things that are necessary for their parenthood.)

As owners of small businesses, it is crucial to understand what all that data means and what messages that data is conveying to us. Only then we can make informed decisions that can lead the business to healthy growth. 

Here are some of the things small business data analytics can tell you:

  • Where your business stands now 
  • Where your company goes if the trends remain the same 
  • The growth potential of your business 
  • How long it should take to expand your brand 
  • The steps to take to make the expansion happen


  1. The data must be analyzed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to get answers to all these questions.


  2. But one problem is the struggle to understand data. But we will see in the coming pages that it’s also not an issue provided you have a trusted pair of hands on which you can rely to take care of all the data-related operations. 

What are the benefits of Data analytics?

Data can point us in the right direction, and prevent us from getting in the wrong direction by showing us objective and unbiased facts.

  • For instance, by looking at the crowd in a giant supermall one can be tempted to get a place in the same supermall. But the reality can only be reflected when we look at the numbers of people visiting and people actually spending money there, and what is selling in what amount.

We can study the trends through various patterns in the data that help us in describing what happened, diagnose the exact issues, predict how the market will behave, and prescribe appropriate actions to deal with or take optimum advantage of the oncoming trends.

We can adapt data-directed thinking processes and decision-making.

If we want to understand our customers and figure out better and more profitable ways to help them, and also understand the behavior of our own organization to make it more operationally efficient, we certainly need to give data strategic importance.

We can logically devise strategies for expansion.

Other than these, there are a few more ways we can also apply Data Analytics to gain many other benefits. Some of them are as follows.

  1. It helps us reduce costs by shortening tasks, and in many cases eliminating them altogether.
  2. Organizational efficiency can be increased significantly by Increased operational efficiency.
  3. Data doesn’t lie. It helps us identify the exact weaknesses and failures.
  4. We can design new products and services based on Predictive Analysis and Prescriptive Analysis.
  5. Data can give us 360-degree customer reviews so we don’t have to rely on subjective spot surveys.
  6. Through thoroughly conducted Data Analytics it becomes easy to spot leakages which makes it easy to identify and prevent fraud.
  7. Data Analytics can also help us optimize pricing strategies.

In short, Data Analytics helps us make smarter logical business decisions.

Which BI Tools / Which technology tool should they select?

There are a number of BI tools to choose from, with different specialties. So it depends on your business needs and which functions of a BI tool you want to employ. Are your needs basic, or do they demand complex analysis? However, these are the basic criteria one should consider to select the best fit for one’s business.


  • Capabilities to collect data collection
  • Analytical abilities
  • Visualization facilities
  • Customizable reporting tools
  • Customizable dashboards
  • Predictive analytics
  • Integration ability with other tools
  • Security 

Here we are briefly explaining a few good BI tools. If you wonder which would be a better option for your business needs, please contact us for the best data analytics services and solutions. They will be happy to support you in choosing the right Data Analytics tool for you.

  1. Microsoft Power BI enables you to transform, explore, and analyze data on-premise and in the cloud. Also, it creates real-time visualizations and can connect relatively easily to your own data sources.


  2. Zoho Analytics has perhaps the most beautiful interactive dashboard. It supports multiple source data collection, and the data can be easily integrated through a simple interface and exports the results to various platforms and ecosystems.


  3. Scoro is good for its customizable KPI dashboard and real-time overview of every aspect of your work.


  4. Dundas BI is an end-to-end business intelligence platform with an open API across the entire platform. With drag-and-drop tools, it can quickly transform raw data into the form of dashboards, reports, and visual data analytics. Its ability to connect and integrate with other data sources is remarkable.


  5. Sisense can incorporate AI-enabled applications that can be embedded and integrated with a wide variety of sources and doesn’t require specialized training. It can get real-time data feeds to create intuitive dashboards and reports.


  6. MicroStrategy supports both data mining and visualization. It offers a multi-functional dashboard, big data solutions, and advanced analytics.


  7. Halo combines automated data processes with manual data manoeuvres for custom results. Its data integration, supply chain analytics, and visualization are automated and available in a single solution. For supply-chain management, this is most suited. Its intuitive interface allows multiple users to collaborate in real-time.


  8. Oracle has a large array of BI capabilities. It uses the Common Enterprise Model for calculations and business analytics and offers inbuilt tools for mining data, sending alerts, and data discovery which is rather agile. Its workspace is also easy to use and allows multi-user collaboration.


  9. SeekTable can perform ad-hoc analysis of all multiple sources of business data at once. It comes with facilities such as data restriction, live interactive reports, sorting, filtering, etc. It offers data analytics while allowing users access to reports.


  10. Tableau is a long-time tried and tested BI tool for live visual analytics. Its highly intuitive interface and drag-and-drop facility allow users to observe live trends. It features a mobile BI strategy and in-memory architecture for data visualization and exploration. It’s easy to integrate with Microsoft SharePoint and offers one-click reporting.


  11. GROW allows the extraction of data from over 115 sources, including Dropbox, Salesforce, Twitter, Google Analytics, etc. It features a highly intuitive UI with several data visualization elements. It also facilitates importing data from social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more, helping optimize the marketing budget.


  12. Datapine facilitates and allows the visualization of many key metrics simultaneously. It’s an interactive BI tool featuring enabling versatile filters, mobile optimization, ad-hoc data source queries, fast and efficient connections to multiple data sources, predictive analytics, and data alarms based on customizable triggers. 

Other than these there are many more intelligent BI tools such as Syn Enterprise, BigID, Qualtrics Research Core, Active Batch, Salesforce Analytics Cloud, Board, CXAIR Platform, Looker, Reveal, Yellowfin, Periscope Data, AnswerDock, etc.

If you are looking for the best fit BI tool for your business, the best course of action is to talk to an expert at DataNectar who will understand your business, its processes, and your objectives and then figure out which one will be the best option.

Which types of skill sets do small business owners need for their organization?

To be very frank, you don’t need any skills to employ data analytics. This may come as a shock but think about it.

I’m sure you have heard this famous proverb “Do your best and delegate the rest.”

That’s the way forward to progress and growth. If you end up doing everything yourself, when will you think about expanding your business? To paraphrase Michael Gerber, if you end up working ‘in’ your business, when will you work ‘on’ your business?

Therefore the best answer I can give to this question is “Have a BI & Data Analytics partner like DataNectar on your side to take care of your BI needs.”

Having said that, let’s as well discuss what types of skills can be helpful to take optimum advantage of Data Analytics.

  • SQL (Structured Query Language) – It’s a programming language widely used for databases.
  • Oracle – It is a database commonly used for running online transaction processing, data warehousing, and mixed (OLTP & DW) database workloads.
  • R and Python – These are the most popular statistical programming languages used to create advanced data analysis programs
  • Machine Learning – an aspect of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms for pattern recognition in data
  • Statistical skills such as calculating probability to be able to analyze and interpret data trends
  • Data management – proficiency in collecting, organizing, and storing data
  • Data visualization – competence to visualize and illustrate data through graphic aids such as charts, graphs, and various figures
  • Econometrics – the skill to create mathematical models from the data trends that can predict future trends
  • Mathematical & statistical ability
  • Soft-skills:
    • Analytical mindset – An analyst must be able to analyze the data from multiple points of view to understand what’s happening and to dig deeper if necessary.
    • Problem-solving skills: Data analytics is all about answering questions and solving business challenges, and that requires some keen problem-solving skills. Data analysts have a wide variety of tools and techniques at their disposal, and a key part of the job is knowing when to use what. 
    • Communication skills: Once you’ve harvested your data for valuable insights, it’s important to share your findings in a way that benefits the business. Data analysts work in close collaboration with key business stakeholders and may be responsible for sharing and presenting their insights to the entire company. So, if you’re thinking about becoming a data analyst, it’s important to make sure that you’re comfortable with this aspect of the job.

What will be the role of a Data Analyst in your organization?

A data analyst collects all the scattered pieces of a large complex jigsaw data puzzle and creates a meaningful picture so that others can use that information. So if you choose to employ a full-time Data Analyst, his/her responsibilities will be like these.


  • To manage the delivery of user behavior surveys and create reports based on the results.
  • Work with clients to develop requirements, define success metrics, manage and execute analytical projects, and evaluate results.
  • Monitor practices, processes, and systems to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Coming up with good questions and translating them into well-defined analytical tasks.
  • Gather new data to answer client questions, collating and organizing data from multiple sources.
  • Devise, build, test, and maintain back-end code.
  • Establish data processes, define data quality criteria, and implement data quality processes.
  • Work as part of a team to evaluate and analyze key data that will be used to shape future business strategies.

As a business leader, it must be an obvious matter for you to be aware of how crucial thing Data Analytics is. Also how vast a subject it is, and what level of complexities it involves. Therefore you must have employed a proper Data Analytics system and experts to run that system. 

However, the subject being a relatively recent phenomenon, it’s far from being practical that every organization would have its own team of Data Analytics experts.

Therefore it’s wise to have an external partner like us to direct and manage this matter.

We, at DataNectar, have a team of veterans who understand not only Data Science & Engineering but also the business processes in multiple industries thoroughly. They will be able to objectively study your business and come up with the parameters for analysis and also devise appropriate algorithms to extract information from the data.

We employ a system to extract the data from multiple data sources.

Clean the data up and store them in a defined order in a warehouse.

Take the data through a transformation procedure. And Create various visually understandable dashboards and analyses. 

By the way, we will choose the best tools for different steps in the entire BI exercise, and also set up automation wherever required.

After having done this exercise,

We sit with the team of the leaders of your business to support the brainstorming for interpreting the analysis.

We also support brainstorming for predicting the oncoming trends and Strategizing to take optimum advantage of those trends. 

At this stage, we’d like to offer you a free consultation for 15 minutes over the phone to understand your business issues. At the end of that conversation, either party can decide whether we are fit to work together or not. If we feel there is a synergy, we can set up a time for the next meeting, and if we don’t, we can still be friends. 

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at